People are the main value and an integral part of every company's success. That is why EL5-Energo pays a big attention not only to the quality of employees' professional development, but also to the formation of a culture of disseminating knowledge and accumulated experience.
Mentoring: a path to professional growth
Mentoring helps to strengthen professional skills, increase motivation and productivity of employees. Our company has created a multi-level mentoring system that managed to reduce staff turnover, minimize the risks of professional burnout in teams, and ensure the retention and transfer of key knowledge within the organization. In August 2024, EL5-Energo became a silver winner of the contest ‘Best Moscow mentoring practices’ in the nomination ‘Best mentoring practices to increase labor productivity nomination, the awarding took place within the framework of the forum-festival ‘Territory of the Future. Moscow 2030’.
Partnership with universities to train specialists
Integration of science, education and innovation is one of the key factors of successful development of society and economy. The need for qualified specialists is growing, companies and universities are willing and ready to cooperate with each other.
EL5-Energo interacts with secondary and higher education institutions, develops academic cooperation and promotes student training according to the Company's business needs. Students visit our power plants, acquire new knowledge, learn energy production processes, and undergo industrial and pre-graduation practices and internships.
The Company also supports talented students with personal scholarships. The scholarship program is implemented under a memorandum of cooperation in the development of academic and cultural relations. On the first day of the new academic year, representatives of EL5-Energo presented certificates for corporate scholarships to the best students and teachers of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Energy Technical School, and Murmansk Arctic University.
Our company also makes a material contribution by providing students with technical equipment and participating in the renovation of school public space. As part of the Arctic School project in the Murmansk Region, the Company provided charitable assistance to School No. 41 in Murmansk. Chairs, an info-kiosk and a gadget charger for the school library were purchased for the funds.
Career guidance tours in the North and Urals
On a regular basis, we organize career guidance tours for high school and college students in the regions of EL5-Energo’s presence. One such event to motivate young people to study and work in the North took place at the Kola Wind Farm in May 2024 with the support of the regional government and the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
Over the last two months of this year, three groups visited the Kola Wind Farm as part of educational projects: teachers from the Murmansk Region's Institute for Education Development, representatives of the Centre for Civic and Patriotic Education ‘In the North - to live!’ and participants of the XII All-Russian Forum of Working Youth.
We also organize similar events for the Urals students. In July 2024, the best students of the Interuniversity Summer School of Future Power Engineers INGIR-2024 visited Sredneuralskaya GRES, where they learnt about the history of one of the oldest power plants in the country, which can be traced back to the main periods of power industry development. The students saw the 410 MW combined cycle gas turbine unit, the engine room, where the equipment of different years of production was located, learnt about the stages of construction and start-up of boilers and turbines.
EL5-Energo regularly organizes lessons on safe handling of electricity for schoolchildren within the framework of the internal corporate project ‘Live safely. Manage risks’. Over the last 2023-2024 academic year, more than 1,000 pupils in the regions of the company’s presence attended such classes: Stavropol Territory, Murmansk, Sverdlovsk, Tver and Rostov Regions. This autumn, lessons on safe behavior in close proximity to the hydraulic structures are also planned.